Categories Latest Earnings Call Transcripts, Other Industries

Heranba Industries Limited (HERANBA) Q1 FY23 Earnings Concall Transcript

HERANBA Earnings Concall - Final Transcript

Heranba Industries Limited (NSE:HERANBA) Q1 FY23 Earnings Concall dated Aug. 12, 2022

Corporate Participants:

Raghuram K. ShettyManaging Director

Raj Kumar BafnaChief Financial officer


Udit GajiwalaYES Securities. — Analyst

Yogesh TiwariArihant Capital — Analyst

Bhavya GandhiDalal and Broacha — Analyst

Vicky WaghwaniYES Securities — Analyst

Amit KumarReliable — Analyst

Varshit ShahStrategy Advisor

Vaibhav GogateAshmore — Analyst

Rohit NagrajCentrum Broking — Analyst

Rajesh JainNP Investments. — Analyst

Chintan MehtaPrudent Broking — Analyst



Ladies and gentlemen. Good day and welcome to the Heranba Industries Q1 FY ’23 Earnings Conference Call. Hosted by YES Securities Limited. As a reminder, all participant lines will be in the listen-only mode. [Operator Instructions] Please note that this conference is being recorded.

I now hand the conference over to Mr. Udit Gajiwala from YES Securities.

Udit GajiwalaYES Securities. — Analyst

Good evening everyone. On behalf of YES Securities, I welcome you all on the Q1 FY ’23 earnings call of Heranba Industries Limited. From the management side, we have with us Mr. Raghuram K Shetty, Managing Director; Mr. Raunak R Shetty, Executive Director; Mr. Raj Kumar Bafna, Chief Financial Officer; and Mr. Varshit Shah, Strategy Advisor to the company.

We start the call with a brief opening remarks from the management side and then open the floor for questions. Thank you and over to you Mr. Shetty.

Raghuram K. ShettyManaging Director

Good evening. Thank you everyone, for taking your valuable time for Heranba Q1 FY ’23 earnings call. The company registered a revenue growth of 3% year-on-year to 3,619 million in Q1 FY ’23 navigating a challenging macro-economic development and late onset of monsoon in the domestic market.

Our EBITDA margins during quarter were impacted by higher raw material prices, rising in power and fuel costs, coupled with supply chain related constraints. However, the company products are experiencing a pickup in demand moving to good rainfall across India, with a healthy reservoir level, setting a positive sentiment for the agro chemical industry. The ongoing CapEx at our Sarigam facility is shaping up well.

Heranba will continue to leverage with integrated manufacturing facilities, wide distribution network, presence across the value chain and thrust on R&D to offer high quality varied products, aiding farmers to enhance their crop yield and income. The company looks forward at new product registration, thereby expanding its diverse customer base and driving Heranba next wave of growth.

We revised our annual guidance for FY ’23 to 15% to 17% growth in sales and 16% to 18% EBITDA margins. As a company, its well poised to build on the strong operational competencies developed over the last few years. I’m hopeful, the company will continue to grow and surpass new milestones in the coming years. We continue to see FY ’23 as an important year in Heranba trajectory and are optimistic of the future.

I will now hand over to Mr. Raj Bafna our CFO to take you through the financials.

Raj Kumar BafnaChief Financial officer

Good evening, everyone. I would like to briefly touch upon the key performance highlights for the first quarter ended June 30 2022 and then we’ll open the floor for question-and-answers. Now moving toward financial highlights for the quarter ended June 30 2022, revenue from operation is INR3,619 million in quarter one FY ’23 as compared to 3,514 million in quarter one FY ’22.

EBITDA at INR507 million during the quarter with EBITDA margin at 14% in quarter one FY ’23. Profit after tax stood at INR337 million in quarter one FY ’23 as compared to 474 million in quarter one FY ’22. The company’s domestic to export mix stood at 70-30 in quarter one FY ’23 as against 62-38 in quarter one FY ’22. Heranba exports were under check due to fetal logistic constraint, however the sector fundamental continue to remain strong on a medium term and long term basis.

That continued the update on financial, now we can now open the floor for question-and-answer.

Questions and Answers:


[Operator Instruction] First question is from the line of Yogesh Tiwari from Arihant Capital.

Yogesh TiwariArihant Capital — Analyst

Yeah. Sir, just wanted to understand first on the revenue part. So as said in the commentary that the revenue growth was lower because of the monsoon so can we quantify what would be the impact of delayed monsoon on the revenue aspect?

Raj Kumar BafnaChief Financial officer

Not exactly. If you can see that over technical for the export side has de-growth of that business, because the de-growth, sort of — if you can see year-on-year, the 33% de-growth above export business, but our domestic formulation business has grown up around 23% year-on-year basis.

Yogesh TiwariArihant Capital — Analyst

And what would be the drivers for the decline on the export front?

Raj Kumar BafnaChief Financial officer

Export mainly due to, if you can say there are some countries having a lockdown like China and other countries also that it has impacted us on that.

Yogesh TiwariArihant Capital — Analyst

So can we expect a reversal in this or in the next quarter?

Raj Kumar BafnaChief Financial officer

Yeah, they, we can foresee the China is slowly open up the all the country like lockdown has little bit. It is not a strict doing like last quarter in that. Okay. And we are hopeful to that will achieve the same growth pace in the next two quarters also.

Yogesh TiwariArihant Capital — Analyst

And sir. Just I wanted to understand if this reversal is possible. Then what would be the reason for the decline in guidance from 18% to 20% or 15% to 18% consider?

Raghuram K. ShettyManaging Director

Because we are a little bit conservative in that because it’s still of opinion of that because the guidance has not be just speaking, we are guiding by 18% to 20%. Now we are coming to around 16% into 18% growth in that. So we are confident of achieving that growth in that.

Yogesh TiwariArihant Capital — Analyst

And sir, if you can share the drivers were behind the 16% to 18% growth. So, how much will be volume led and how much will be no, product mix and how many products are you looking to register and launch?

Raghuram K. ShettyManaging Director

So this will be, I think we even if you see there. This level of input prices have gone up, but the final prices product prices have not gone up. We foresee that maybe in the coming days that prices should go up. So there would be some price growth, but you can say it would be more of of the state of the volume plus price growth that will drive this if 16% to 18%. Yeah.

Yogesh TiwariArihant Capital — Analyst

And how many products are we looking to launch?

Raghuram K. ShettyManaging Director

We have already launched one and we plan to launch one more in this year.

Yogesh TiwariArihant Capital — Analyst

So total two product and FY ’23?

Raghuram K. ShettyManaging Director

And last year also, we had launched two, in this year, we plan to launch two, one we have launched, one we have not launched yet.

Yogesh TiwariArihant Capital — Analyst

Yes, sir. On the raw material front are we seeing any softening because of the decline in commodity prices then there will be benefit in Q2 from the decline in commodity prices?

Raghuram K. ShettyManaging Director

Yes. It’s slightly, it is, come down the prices in Q1 was very high and now the prices slightly started softening. So that would also has some, we would have some advantage of that because the price, the final prices have not gone down accordingly. It is the same at today.

Yogesh TiwariArihant Capital — Analyst

So this gross profit margin of about 20%, 32%. This would be the bottom as of now?

Raghuram K. ShettyManaging Director

Could say something?

Raj Kumar BafnaChief Financial officer

We can say that because I think. So if the worst is behind us and we will see a uptick margin from the next two quarter or couple of quaters also.

Yogesh TiwariArihant Capital — Analyst

And sir, lastly on the as iron ore is like we can assume that we will take a price hike in the coming days. Pass on the increased raw material costs?

Raghuram K. ShettyManaging Director

We have some price hiking also in this quarter also and we try to cut the losses which we are carrying in fourth quarter 1% price hike.

Raj Kumar BafnaChief Financial officer

Slightly and RM based on hens soft.

Yogesh TiwariArihant Capital — Analyst

And what would be the approximate range like a 3% to 5% something like that? Pricing hike?

Raghuram K. ShettyManaging Director

The percent of them, I think you are perhaps in some product there are hike and some products there are not.

Yogesh TiwariArihant Capital — Analyst

I will get back in to queue.


The next question is from the line of Bhavya Gandhi from Dalal and Broacha.

Bhavya GandhiDalal and Broacha — Analyst

Wanted to know, we have seen serious increase in our employee cost on Q-o-Q okay with what is the reason for this year?

Raghuram K. ShettyManaging Director

Q-on-Q basis is the increase of around 20% is that if you compare to a full year basis, it will be a remain around 7% to 8% growth in the employee cost, because the Q4 was is that we won’t see this is that.

Bhavya GandhiDalal and Broacha — Analyst

Okay. And on the export front, how much of our revenue comes from export to China, what was in this quarter and in previous quarters. As a percentage to sales?

Raghuram K. ShettyManaging Director

As a percentage, it will be 20% 25%.

Bhavya GandhiDalal and Broacha — Analyst

25% and in last quarter, what was it?

Raghuram K. ShettyManaging Director

It is in that range. And this year we could not sell not in China, but otherwise general, it is around 25% of exports sell., you can say on 12.5% approximately.

Bhavya GandhiDalal and Broacha — Analyst

On overall revenue. Right.

Raghuram K. ShettyManaging Director

Overall revenue right.

Bhavya GandhiDalal and Broacha — Analyst

And in this quarter. We have not sold anything to China?

Raghuram K. ShettyManaging Director

We have sold, but not in the second quarter, it will be good.

Bhavya GandhiDalal and Broacha — Analyst

Okay. And will that to be, you sort of postponed to Q2 or will that demand go away?

Raghuram K. ShettyManaging Director

Somewhat postponed.

Bhavya GandhiDalal and Broacha — Analyst

Okay. And also on the five molecules front, how many have we launched?

Raghuram K. ShettyManaging Director

This is actually when the when our Sarigam facility would be on stream. So we have not yet launched those products.

Bhavya GandhiDalal and Broacha — Analyst

Okay. None of them have been. And when will be Sarigam facility come on stream?

Raghuram K. ShettyManaging Director

First,, would be by Q4 FY ’23.

Bhavya GandhiDalal and Broacha — Analyst

Okay. I’ll get back in the queue. Thank you.


The next question is from the line of Vicky Waghwani from YES Securities.

Vicky WaghwaniYES Securities — Analyst

I just wanted an update from the new subsidiary, which we launched last year because any update you would like to share on that?

Raghuram K. ShettyManaging Director

For this quarter because we not been so operational because the 9th first two months of the line that will be pharma subsidiary. This is still open. You can see the dealer distribution network and other trying to start and other activities is going on that, but the full-fledged activity will be done in quarter three.

Raj Kumar BafnaChief Financial officer

Already in three states, we have appointed the staff, manpower there and also identified stock points in three states and portable stage gate. Also, we have identified state had as well as stock point we’re in the coming months. The coming months, we will be reporting in most states by year-end, we will be around 7 to 8 states will be completed next year, but is this will be good in this in this segment in this Company.

Vicky WaghwaniYES Securities — Analyst

Okay, so revenue expectations you can share looking to have some of the subsidiary for financial ’23 and next year?

Raghuram K. ShettyManaging Director

Around INR25 crores, this year in the next year it will be approximately certified INR75 crores to INR100 crores approximately INR75 crores next year.

Vicky WaghwaniYES Securities — Analyst

Okay. That was very helpful, sir. So can you please share any top three to five molecules, which you give us how much percentage of income dropped to pay molecules. If you can share the percentage share of income?

Raghuram K. ShettyManaging Director

Today, if you know this is our portfolio is yet no focused on insecticides and we are strong in Parathyroid. So, our top three molecules. If you say will be by the Parathyroid itself which aims which will be around the 30% 35% of our total turnover.

Vicky WaghwaniYES Securities — Analyst

And total Parathyroid this we see how much percentage of top line it would be?

Raghuram K. ShettyManaging Director

Around 58%.


The next question is from the line of Amit Kumar from Reliable

Amit KumarReliable — Analyst

Opportunities for chemical industry with my understanding of the market is for last few years. Because China have initially a stop lot of manufacturing for the pollution and then of course the lockdown is supposed to help both ways that there. Major volumes come from there. In terms of exports to other countries which compete with us. So that probably had been expedited the last two quarters, but in the last two quarters we have slipped what are we doing to control the situation in future?

Raghuram K. ShettyManaging Director

Could you rephrase that question.

Amit KumarReliable — Analyst

China had offered chemical industry in India, a big opportunity because they stop manufacturing a lot of chemicals because of pollution control this happened something like, last four years three four years and then of course the lockdown there. The supply chain got affected a lot of companies had a difficult time, but other able to grow much faster, including India from like BASF has been able to grow far far as Sumitomo Chemical with at a rate of the Baird alone, but it would good growth during the last quarters. It has not been something great to speak up. I would like to know what proactive corrective measures is the Company taking?

Raghuram K. ShettyManaging Director

As there is as, you want to know from from the sales side to China or purchase side?

Amit KumarReliable — Analyst

Management side, management side, it’s an opportunity in China is an opportunity not into my understanding of the market.

Raghuram K. ShettyManaging Director

So many things. What we do is one, we are looking into products where China was strong and which has a good market. So accordingly, we have been anyways in the past conference calls, also mentioned that we are very actively preparing in but registrations and multiple countries for multiple products. So this registration itself takes a long time and accordingly. Our R&D is working on these products who mentioned about the by products, but there are around 15 products that we are simultaneously working at our R&D level.

So as and when we see there is good scope and once we get that a destination, then we will be setting up these products also in our facility and we’ll see some sales maybe from next year or, no next year only. We see it for two products we’ve mentioned that will will start say next year and over the three years you will see that would be a lot of difference in our overall product portfolio as well.

Amit KumarReliable — Analyst

So you are confident of recovering from whatever projection have reduced to a much better?

Raghuram K. ShettyManaging Director

Yes. We have reduced for the current year and if it’s not…

Amit KumarReliable — Analyst

I know that I know that….

Raghuram K. ShettyManaging Director

Want to be considering a conservative view.

Amit KumarReliable — Analyst

And at the management is quite confident of it.

Raghuram K. ShettyManaging Director

100% I know we are quite confident that.


The next question is from the line of Yogesh Tiwari from Arihant Capital.

Yogesh TiwariArihant Capital — Analyst

Just on your guidance. So like we understand that because of the challenges in first quarter the guidance has been lowered from 18% to 20% from revenue to 15% to 18% in margin from 18% to 20% to 16% to 18% but if we can recover the long-term guidance would continue to remain that or that is from FY ’24 even that would be lower?

Raj Kumar BafnaChief Financial officer

Long-term guidance will be 18% to 20% EBITDA and 18% to 20%.

Varshit ShahStrategy Advisor

So Yogesh. Varshit here so you need to understand that Q1, the challenges more artificial in nature, like lockdowns it had nothing to do with the fundamental demand-supply situation. If you see so, inability to ship and access to market was limited in Q1 for all the participants in the industry, not just end up then I think it’s Company-specific thing which we’re trying to all. We had a problem in Q1. Hence, the management is fairly confident of the growth prospects. And this is the reason why we are weighing it as know noted large CapEx as well.

Yogesh TiwariArihant Capital — Analyst

And just lastly, if you can share the CapEx number for FY ’23 and possible FY ’24 also?

Raj Kumar BafnaChief Financial officer

FY ’23. We are expecting around INR130 crore to INR150 crores and net FY ’23 is around INR100 crore INR120 crore. factors in that range. INR130 crores in FY ’23 and FY ’24, about INR120 crores right?

Raghuram K. ShettyManaging Director

Right. INR120 crores in two years.


The next question is from the line of Vaibhav Gogate from Ashmore.

Vaibhav GogateAshmore — Analyst

Could you elaborate on the reasons for subdued revenue growth in 1Q. I joined a bit late.

Raj Kumar BafnaChief Financial officer

The revenue, de-growth only the because the main part of the exports has de grown by around 33%, that’s the major reason for the over-the-top line has not met our target.

Vaibhav GogateAshmore — Analyst

Okay. So did you have any how material bottlenecks which sort of prevented you from fulfilling the order book?

Raj Kumar BafnaChief Financial officer

No the raw material bottleneck supply side. I don’t see an issue in by that only for the reason for the, if the RM prices has gone up in that, in that quarter. China as the mill in to process.

Varshit ShahStrategy Advisor

That whereas the knockdown in China. So overall demand in the industry itself was and then subdued for Heranba but the insecticide market itself subdued and so we also had some similar impact.

Raghuram K. ShettyManaging Director

So Vaibhav if you see a Q1 other reason for the most part of the globe that China and some small continue South East Asia hence for China Q1 Q4 wondering for our peak quarter that you see in terms of technical all Indian players. That’s the reason why you would be that being slightly higher on the menu, particularly, which is a good time because there are the pieces we shipped Romania and then the formula. Subsequently, in the selling season the market.

Vaibhav GogateAshmore — Analyst

Okay. So what is China as a percentage of sales in Q1 and Q4?

Raghuram K. ShettyManaging Director

Overall sales is around 12% that is on the annualized base. So we can certainly come back to you on quarter-on-quarter 100% sale. The mix in Q2 what last Q2 will be, it will be recover some mostly. Okay. Okay. Could you, could you elaborate on forward and fuel cost related headwinds like what was power entry will cost in this quarter versus let’s say last last year same quarter those same reason for the fiscal, the increment also impacts of around, you can see, almost 80% is hike in our power and fuel cost in that mainly due t

Vaibhav GogateAshmore — Analyst

Okay. Okay. Could you, could you elaborate on forward and fuel cost related headwinds like what was power entry will cost in this quarter versus let’s say, last last year same quarter?

Raghuram K. ShettyManaging Director

Those same reason for the fiscal, the increment also impacts of around, you can see, almost 80% is hike in our power and fuel cost in that mainly due to the extreme prices in that. And coal prices because the coal prices has gone up sharply in this quarter there, they steel prices and gone up and the mostly around you can say the power fuel cost has increased by around 80% to 90% in this quarter, if you compare to year-on-year basis.

Vaibhav GogateAshmore — Analyst

Got it. So in this INR53 crore of other expenses. How much would be power and fuel cost?

Raghuram K. ShettyManaging Director

Power and fuel cost, it will be around, you can say INR14 core to INR15 crore in cash, then you can see INR5 crore per month.

Vaibhav GogateAshmore — Analyst

For this cost won’t go down significantly in the coming quarters as well. Right?

Raghuram K. ShettyManaging Director

I think so. This almost till now has not been I think drastically change in the power and fuel cost in that will, I think so remain intact. Unless there is a coal prices comes down.

Vaibhav GogateAshmore — Analyst

So this time around. You have not given segment wise revenue details. Could you, could you give a breakup of domestic and international sales of technical and formulation for this quarter?

Raghuram K. ShettyManaging Director

Presentation. But right now I can elaborate inject over total domestic sales is around the 70% into the export is around 30%.

Vaibhav GogateAshmore — Analyst

Okay, and which segments have declined substantially?

Raghuram K. ShettyManaging Director

This is in the over-technical exports has declined.

Vaibhav GogateAshmore — Analyst

Okay. I will. I will join back in the queue. Thank you.


The next question is from the line of Rohit Nagraj from Centrum Broking.

Rohit NagrajCentrum Broking — Analyst

Good evening to the entire team. My first question is, we had a challenging quarter but how has been performance over the last one and month half months for this quarter in terms of sales in China and generally the recovery in terms of raw material pricing. So do we expect for full year, our earlier guidance of 18% to 20% of EBITDA margins can be caught up given the pricing environment on raw materials side is a slightly alleviating going forward? Thank you.

Varshit ShahStrategy Advisor

Rohit, Varshit here. So, firstly, July and August has been robust growth I going delivered and put out a number, but it’s a significantly, largely in line with the trend for the full year, which we delivered for FY ’22. So I think about Q1 revenue mix was just a blip because of heightened beyond the control of the Company and the industry so July has been, the processing normal for us say five even though with so far, it is because any normal for us in terms of growth because the lockdowns have been dependent on China as well as the ports more, opened up in China as well the export it has bounced back the normal build rates some part of Q1, which you have revenue probably will not be recovered some part of it, but we try and recoup we try and borrow as much as possible in Q2.

Because I think you been Insecticides certain applications, the farmers. I mean the will be damages. So we will not come again in byso there is no pent-up demand that scenario. But whatever the orders are there. We have a lot of orders in hand China as well. Anyway margins I think here we have to be conservative given the raw material scenario and other than raw material. Also, I think the same is the coal cost and policy is elevated as we speak today, we are slightly conservative in terms of guiding EBITDA margin range between 16% 18% at this point in time. If things the cool off in H2. I think there is quoting on this.

Rohit NagrajCentrum Broking — Analyst

Yes. Right, got it. Second question is on our greenfield or ongoing CapEx and Sarigam. So what is the status when not we expected to commission this facility and what kind of contribution will see in first year of its operations? Thank you.

Raghuram K. ShettyManaging Director

As we said over new CapEx plans are shaping us and we are on target on that and as we said earlier also the quarter four of this year we’ll will start our comments, our Products, because in the cost per plant, but plant based one.

Rohit NagrajCentrum Broking — Analyst

Right. And any number that we want to put out for FY ’24 in the initial from the first plant we expect certain kind of revenues?

Varshit ShahStrategy Advisor

Almost overly because as we earlier guided on this is the technical plant and whatever the capacity need it will be turnover ratio around three and half and two quarter four times in that range.

Rohit NagrajCentrum Broking — Analyst

Right. Okay, got it. In terms of the global, I mean we had headwinds predominantly from the exports market and we’ve seen there have been issues in the US and Europe. So are there any material changes in the perception of the customers in terms of liquidity in the stocks at their end or probably just waiting for providing additional orders or things are relatively back to normalcy. What is your perception about the global market overall? Thank you.

Raj Kumar BafnaChief Financial officer

Global market when it comes to US, Europe, unlike other markets have been doing that. And generally, the market opens in Q3 and Q4. Any Indian or for any company. So we are seeing good demand, but we do not have a lot of registrations in these countries. So accordingly, being the newer geography. We will be able to get whatever best we can. In these tools geography. Obviously so putting a number today would be very tough.

Rohit NagrajCentrum Broking — Analyst

Right. But we continue to believe that we will be able to maintain our margins when we are entering into this market will not go only for the volume growth per say in the initial period?

Raj Kumar BafnaChief Financial officer

We will maintain margins also.

Rohit NagrajCentrum Broking — Analyst

All right. Got it. Just one last question on the R&D front. So, currently, how many products are there in terms of development fees and the potential in terms of introduction. So you in your remarks you had said that two products will be commercialized this year, what is the total pipeline and maybe the commercialization schedule and the potential opportunity for these products? Thank you.

Raj Kumar BafnaChief Financial officer

And the R&D as. We are working on many products simultaneously, some would make sense that we would commercialize. So you can say around 15 products, we are already looking at at R&D level and five we have already shortlisted and registration activities or two we will be launching next year.

Rohit NagrajCentrum Broking — Analyst

Right. Any potential market size for these type products, including these two which will be launched.

Raj Kumar BafnaChief Financial officer

$750 million.

Rohit NagrajCentrum Broking — Analyst

Okay, fair enough. That’s helpful, thanks a lot, and best of luck.


The next question is from the line of Vaibhav Gogate from Ashmore Group.

Vaibhav GogateAshmore — Analyst

What is the quantum of price hike that you have taken that will help you?

Raghuram K. ShettyManaging Director

It is almost around 3%.

Vaibhav GogateAshmore — Analyst

So will that be enough to sort of maintain EBITDA margins going ahead?

Raghuram K. ShettyManaging Director

Yeah, maintain the EBITDA margins. The volume growth also because we are a little bit change in the product mix also.

Vaibhav GogateAshmore — Analyst

Okay. So in this 16% to 18% revenue growth guidance, what is the underlying volume growth that you are guiding for?

Raghuram K. ShettyManaging Director

Volume growth this is around 8% to 10% will be the volume growth in that range. So this price rise will be evident in the coming quarter or it will take some time for it to reflecting the non-cash?For quarter three we have already changed some prices hike in there and is there is because it is ongoing process also we are changing according to market conditions on that.


The next question is from the line of Bhavya Gandhi from Dalal and Broacha.

Bhavya GandhiDalal and Broacha — Analyst

Yeah. Sir, I’ve done some extrapolation our rough revenue would from China would be around INR120 crore on annualized basis. And even if we generate INR40 crores of EBITDA on annualized basis for this quarter, it would be around INR7 odd crores INR8 odd crores and still if you add that to the overall EBITDA, it would be still much lower than Q1 FY ’22 as well as Q4 FY ’22 also. So can you just elaborate what was the other reason for the drop in EBITDA margin because roughly even if we add that China issue, it would be around INR54 odd crores of EBITDA, which is significantly lower than INR65 odd crores?

Raghuram K. ShettyManaging Director

The main reason is from three reasons, which I mentioned in that was the reason of the raw material prices has gone up, which was raw material prices and gone up the entire product range in that. Okay. And second done for the power and fuel sales has gone up by around 70% to 80%, but they got that it all. It also also it’s the put in the EBITDA margin because only the China region is not there to the put down the EBITDA of around 5%.

Bhavya GandhiDalal and Broacha — Analyst

Okay. And the how many total registrations, do we have, as on 30th June?

Raghuram K. ShettyManaging Director


Bhavya GandhiDalal and Broacha — Analyst

408 okay, and last quarter, how many registration that you have?

Raghuram K. ShettyManaging Director

So quarter-to-quarter, we’ll have to see at present, we have, we can. Okay. Not all around 31st March 395.

Bhavya GandhiDalal and Broacha — Analyst

395. Okay. And sir, which cities do we export in China?

Raghuram K. ShettyManaging Director

Not, if like then we have customers and generally ship to Shanghai port of then branches.

Bhavya GandhiDalal and Broacha — Analyst

Right in Q1 Shanghai port was fully operational..?

Raghuram K. ShettyManaging Director

In the last quarter than ever we ship look two different that were operational over there.

Yogesh TiwariArihant Capital — Analyst

Sir, your voice is not audible.

Raghuram K. ShettyManaging Director

Last quarter actually Shanghai port was fully block. So we shipped to two different one of [inaudible].

Bhavya GandhiDalal and Broacha — Analyst

And with respect to cash flow from operations. How much is it for this quarter?

Raghuram K. ShettyManaging Director

This quarter is on equity money. Yes, because there is always is high majorly scenario for the June quarter itself, because we…

Bhavya GandhiDalal and Broacha — Analyst

Right. Roughly, if you could just put the numbers?

Raghuram K. ShettyManaging Director

Numbers is around the end of the, if you can see negative from operations.

Bhavya GandhiDalal and Broacha — Analyst

Okay and till now, how much CapEx have we done for Sarigam facility if, you know, we were to put it together till date how much will put?

Raj Kumar BafnaChief Financial officer

Total would do, but if I two parties in INR30 crores to INR40 crores.

Raghuram K. ShettyManaging Director

Right once we expense we come far, it is only CVS will be costly will come now now onwards.


The next question is from the line of Rajesh Jain from NP Investments.

Rajesh JainNP Investments. — Analyst

My question, sir. On the export market. What is the latest on the US business, we have supplied one consignment of insecticides so did we supply the second one. So what are the plans to ramp up there?

Raghuram K. ShettyManaging Director

You want to know the percentage or you want to situation?

Rajesh JainNP Investments. — Analyst

No. After I have supply the first consignment have we made any more supplies, and what is the status now?

Raghuram K. ShettyManaging Director

Yeah. We made two supplies last year. Okay. This year, we’ve got a tentative order partial at will have to ship as trial order if that is successful then will get a good order.

Rajesh JainNP Investments. — Analyst

So if it is not confidential what was the quantum of these 2-3 orders that we have supplied and once it is confirm what would be the magnitude up that item.

Raghuram K. ShettyManaging Director

While the current year no. Last year it was around the three to three it was end between three to three and half enough

Rajesh JainNP Investments. — Analyst

3% to 3.5%?

Raghuram K. ShettyManaging Director

Yes. Last year.

Rajesh JainNP Investments. — Analyst

Last year, and how much it could be this year?

Raghuram K. ShettyManaging Director

This year we wouldn’t put out number today because it’s a new geographies for us. And we better wait because now we are just spending the trial order will be happier to announce around the percentage of our sales once we get the order.

Rajesh JainNP Investments. — Analyst

Then what have been, what was this earlier to consignment we had supplied what it also a trial order or different sir?

Raghuram K. ShettyManaging Director

No first was a trial order then we got a repeat order.

Rajesh JainNP Investments. — Analyst

Okay. Okay. So this, again, it would be trail order your supplying is for a new product?

Raghuram K. ShettyManaging Director

No. For the same product but formulation.

Rajesh JainNP Investments. — Analyst

Formulation. Okay, fair enough. And this we will come to know by then by H1 by end of H1?By Q3 end you will get to know.

Okay. That is very nice to know, sir, sir. My second question is regarding Europe where we, you had mentioned we have four registration three for Parathyroid and one for Herbicide have you started making in supplies there?

Raghuram K. ShettyManaging Director

We started small suppliers actually, but because of this because of COVID lockdown, we were not able to travel much so because of that we have not been able to get a lot of business in Europe, but we have registration and that is that will definitely help us going forward. We are also being a little cautious, and our customers also taking giving orders trial based orders today, but there are also cautious. We are also cautious.

Rajesh JainNP Investments. — Analyst

That means in all possibilities. It looks like only in FY ’24 the sales to these two big countries. We will ramp up it is a fair assessment.

Raj Kumar BafnaChief Financial officer

Rajesh. Let me, this is in a different manner also bookings of the process to win. Our customer is that you are approaching them which general Levy first travel to their offices in the respecting countries the US and Europe and then they also signed and within our facility and understand our ESG compliance lines and our safety measures and then generally the business starts, what happened in COVID was that because of the international travel was not possibly both from our end there the customers are even more causing of countries. They have, we have how traveling to India. So that’s the reason why the mortgage customers who were kind of we had approached them but the conversation we will start because they were not able to travel or these our facilities as per their standards.

We will now take that base and also we had some customer whether it’s from US, from Europe, this the that words towards the Q3 end,end of Q3 is to be already planned. So we think as we start. And since you are new in the geography, we didn’t have any relationships long affiliations with them that during COVID some of the Companies, also were able to benefit from the long lasting relationships.

Our relations with the early new so we wanted them to come and audited, as I said before that they are satisfied with the quality of the product as well as our compliance with that being in motion. Now we are fairly confident of this things picking up, we had a hit on us, but now we have resumed of both from our side as well as customer side or well with all these visits completing during this year.

Rajesh JainNP Investments. — Analyst

So we can ramp up the volume from next financial year?

Raghuram K. ShettyManaging Director

Absolutely, that’s how we have planned Sarigam facility also against and years. We are, we have the decisions in place, but some of the new molecules, as well as well as are the samples and the trials have already began and with this customer said. We also have some sort visibility is also in some of the molecules. Although in the is done, we cannot comment at this point in time.

Rajesh JainNP Investments. — Analyst

Okay, sir. My last question is in the annual report. It is mentioned that we have more than 635 technical and 65 formulations are registered for the export market. So my question to you is, other than Europe and US do we supply to many products to other countries?

Raghuram K. ShettyManaging Director

No no same products will register. So I think you have misread it but that I technical information vice versa, but also on the those numbers are reported I think will hear and countries we would call it as kind of the countries. So it’s not like the 600 products. If If you mentioned, I think we have 100 of technicals that means we have one on the selling point in a way, it would be, let’s say, one molecule one selling important other molecules 30 selling point.

Rajesh JainNP Investments. — Analyst

Okay. So maybe what you think it could be either 685 different product for 635 different countries?

Raghuram K. ShettyManaging Director

So I just to correct you, I do. We have what we have given is for export markets. We have 68 technicals as you said, in India and 65 formulation.

Rajesh JainNP Investments. — Analyst

Okay. So that means. So 68 plus 65. So these are either the products of the countries where we can supply the product?

Raghuram K. ShettyManaging Director

No. Okay. So these are the, this is manufacture, some of the fleet decision take hotel global registration including India, we are 400 registration yeah, on the 49 countries. Okay. It is given to in six of our in the of the.

Rajesh JainNP Investments. — Analyst

I’ll go through that. Thank you very much sir and wish you all the best.


The next question is from the line of Chintan Mehta from Prudent Broking.

Chintan MehtaPrudent Broking — Analyst

Sir, when you see the raw material price increase if you can name which raw material and how much is the price has increased on a year-on-year and Q-on-Q basis?

Raghuram K. ShettyManaging Director

So many crude based raw materials in the crude price has gone up I place also gone up accordingly. There are so many numbers. It’s a big number.

Chintan MehtaPrudent Broking — Analyst

Okay. Few of the important raw material name, if you can?

Raghuram K. ShettyManaging Director

Acrylonitrile, Phenol, then you have Methanol then all C9, Solvents, Isobutene.

Chintan MehtaPrudent Broking — Analyst

Okay. And this majority of, I mean there are basic chemical that are sourced from the domestic and itself. Correct?

Raghuram K. ShettyManaging Director



Thank you. Ladies and gentlemen, this was the last question for today. I now hand the conference over to the management for closing comments. Over to you.

Raghuram K. ShettyManaging Director

Yeah thanks. And then last question?


That was the last question.

Raghuram K. ShettyManaging Director

Thank you so much for participating and I hope we have answered all your questions. And if there is any doubt you can it feel free to contact us. We’ll be happy to answer all your queries.


[Operator Closing Remarks]


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