Paisalo Digital Ltd was incorporated in 1992. It is a Non-Deposit Taking Non-Banking Financial Company registered office of the company is in Delhi and the head office is in Agra. The company provides a number of financial products like Business Loans, SME & MSME Loans, Income Generation Loans for business/self–employment purposes.
- Paisalo Digital Ltd reported Total revenue for Q4 FY23 of ₹122 Crore, up from ₹102 Crore year on year depicting a growth of 20%.
- Total Expenses for Q4 FY23 of ₹32 Crore up, from ₹18 Crore year on year, a growth of 78%.
- Consolidated Net Profit of ₹28 Crore, up 8% from ₹26 Crore in the same quarter of the previous year.
- The Earnings per Share is ₹0.62, stayed almost neutral from ₹0.62 in the same quarter of the previous year.