Triveni Turbine Limited (NSE: TRITURBINE) is a leading manufacturer of industrial steam turbines. It mainly manufactures steam turbines up to 30 MW. It has been a division of Triveni Engineering & Industries Limited since the 1970s and was demerged with effect from October 2010.
Over the years, the company has completed more than 4,000 installations in both the domestic and foregin markets. Its manufacturing facilities are located at Sompura and Peenya in Bengaluru. Triveni Turbine Ltd (TTL) is the leader in the domestic steam turbine market up to 30 MW, delivering robust, reliable and efficient end-to-end solutions.

The company’s total revenue on a consolidated basis for the quater ended September 30, 2022 stood at Rs 303.74 Crore, an increase of 41.74 % over the previous year. The company’s total expenses on a consolidated basis for the quater ended September 30, 2022 stood at Rs 242.36 Crore, an increase of 41.12 % over the Previous Year.
Profit before tax is Rs 41.38 Crore, an increase of 44.25 % over the previous year. EPS on a consolidated basis for the quater ended September 30, 2022 stood at Rs 1.43, an decrease of 73.37 % over the Previous Year.