Venky’s (India) Ltd (VENKEYS) Q2 FY23 Earnings Concall Transcript

Earnings Conference Call Transcript

Venky’s (India) Ltd (NSC:VENKEYS) Q2 FY23 Earnings Concall dated Nov. 11, 2022

Corporate Participants:

Rohan BhagwatCompany Secretary

J. K. HandaChief Financial Officer


Aniruddha JoshiAnalyst

Pranjal GargISEC — Analyst

Anurag PatilRoha Asset Managers — Analyst



Ladies and gentlemen, good day and welcome to the Venky’s Limited Q2, FY23 Earnings Conference Call hosted by ICICI Securities Limited. [Operator Instructions] Please note that this conference is being recorded.

I now hand the conference over to Mr. Aniruddha Joshi from ICICI Securities. Thank you, and over to you, sir.

Aniruddha JoshiAnalyst

Yeah. Thanks, Inba. On behalf of ICICI Securities, we welcome you all to Q2 FY23 results conference call of Venky’s (India) Limited. We have with us senior management represented by Mr N.K. Toshniwal, General Manager, Oil Seed Segment; Dr. Vijay Tijare, General Manager, Poultry Segment; Dr P.G. Pedgaonkar from Poultry Segment; Sir Deepak Khosla, General Manager from AHP Segment; Mr. J. K. Handa, Chief Financial Officer; and Mr. Rohan Bhagwat, Company Secretary.

Now, I hand over the call for the opening comments to the management, then after initial comments from the management, we will open the floor for question-and-answer session. Thanks, and over to you, sir.

Rohan BhagwatCompany Secretary

Thank you, Mr. Aniruddha Joshi. This is Rohan Bhagwat from Venky’s (India) Limited. A very good afternoon and thank you all for joining us today for the conference call of Venky’s (India) Limited. The Company had published financial results for the quarter and half-year ended 30th, September 2022 along with information for investors on 9th November. I hope you all have gone through the same.

Today we have with us the unit heads to answer all your queries in respect of the respective segments and the area of operations. Due to some unavoidable circumstances, Dr. P.G. Pedgaonkar and Dr. Tijare could not join this call. However questions related to the poultry and poultry product segment will be answered by Mr. J. K. Handa, CFO.

Before we start discussing the company’s performance. I would like to mention that some statements made in today’s discussion may be forward looking in nature and may involve risks and uncertainties. After the end of this call, in case you have any further questions, please feel free to reach out to the Investor Relations team.

I will now hand over the call to Mr. Jeevan Handa, our CFO to make the opening comments. Over to you Mr. Handa.

J. K. HandaChief Financial Officer

Good afternoon, and a very warm welcome. I am Jeevan Handa, CFO. Once again, I’m pleased to interact with you all of you on the Venky’s earning call. I hope you have gone through the results and the information to investors.

Venky’s performance for the quarter ended 30th, September 2022 has not been good, and it has been below our expectation. In a challenging scenario with the poultry feed costs has been high, there have been some issues in terms of lower realizations from the sale of the old chicks and grown up broilers. Added to these factors, the performance of Oil Seed Segments has also been affected due to the lower take off from poultry farmers and substantial increase in the energy prices.

As far as the current quarter is concerned, not much improvement has been seen in the month of October. Feed prices are still at elevated level. Realization from the sale of poultry products has not seen any big improvement. However, we are hopeful that the overall scenario will start improving from November second fortnight onwards.

With this briefing, we now would like to answer your questions. You may, please go ahead with questions. Thank you.

Questions and Answers:


Thank you very much, sir. Ladies and gentlemen, we will now begin the question-and-answer session. [Operator Instructions] Our first question is from the line of Pranjal Garg from ISEC. Please go ahead.

Pranjal GargISEC — Analyst

Good afternoon, sir. Thank you so much for the opportunity. Sir, how is the demand scenario in the market given such a high inflation? And also are you witnessing any lower demand or shift to unorganized segment by the customers?

J. K. HandaChief Financial Officer

As far as the demand is concerned for the current period, which is a season period in regard to the consumption. But for the layer segment, as well as the broiler segment, the demand is on the lower side, it is not getting shifted. But due to the high end prices of input, the business is not the way it should have been. But still we are hopeful that from the November second fortnight onwards, things will start moving because this is a completely consumption period demand. Consumption period is going on from November onwards, second fortnight onwards, since this is a winter season throughout the period.

Pranjal GargISEC — Analyst

And sir, how is the traction in the HoReCa segment.


Ladies and gentlemen, it looks like the management line has disconnected. We request you to please remain connected, while we connect them back. Please do not disconnect your lines. [Technical Issues] Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for your patience. We have the line for management reconnected. Mr. Garg, I think you can ask your question again, sir.

Pranjal GargISEC — Analyst

Yes, sir. Sir I was asking about how is the traction in the HoReCa segment?

J. K. HandaChief Financial Officer

Yes. In this segment, the consumption seems to be very good. Demand is pretty bad — pretty good. Even in the first quarter, the uptake was almost 20 lakh kg, whereas in this segment — this quarter, September quarter, the demand has gone up to 31.85 lakh processed kg [Phonetic]. And in terms of the next coming quarters, it is hopeful to be better than even last quarter. So it should be very good.

Pranjal GargISEC — Analyst

Okay. That’s really helpful, sir. And sir, you in your opening comments said that there were realization — lower realizations this quarter. Can you quantify the average realization rate for boilers and layers for the quarter and their comparative numbers in the year-on-year?

J. K. HandaChief Financial Officer

Yes. In terms of day old broiler chicks in the quarter one, the realization was INR26.11, whereas in the quarter two, it is — it has come down to the level of INR23.86. In case of layer commercial chicks in the first quarter ending, it was INR38.10, whereas in the quarter two, it has dropped down to INR34.88. In case of commercial broiler bird, it was INR106.28 [Phonetic] in the first quarter. And again, whereas it has dropped down [Technical Issues] to quarter to INR87.23 [Phonetic].

In case of processed chicken, it was INR288 per kg. Processed meat, it was quarter one, whereas in quarter two, it was INR291.55 not having much of a difference. But in case of commercial broiler bird, broiler chicks, as well as layer chicks, the prices as usual in the second quarter dropped down. It has also, I mean dropped in comparison to even quarter one and quarter two.

Pranjal GargISEC — Analyst

Thank you, sir. Sir, please allow me to ask one more question here. How do you see these prices moving? And what is your — where do you see the margin trajectory in the near term?

J. K. HandaChief Financial Officer

See in case of broiler chicks, as well as the layer chicks, both the segment and the prices are — particularly in layers, the prices seems to be up till January. The rates in regard to the commercial eggs will be very good. But in case of day old chicks placement, which is our animal product, it will not be good. It will be as it is what it means [Phonetic] little lower end of that.

In case of broiler, we are hopeful that the rates will shoot up, rates will be up because consumption is very good, demand may be very good. But as of today, the prices are slower [Phonetic] in — throughout the — I mean in the northern regions, in the all 11 states, where our operation is there. So we are, as of time, the prices are not good, realizations are not good. But hopefully, this will be going up, as per our expectations.

Pranjal GargISEC — Analyst

Thank you so much, sir. Sir, I will get back into the queue for my further questions.

J. K. HandaChief Financial Officer

All right. Thank you.


Thank you. [Operator Instructions] Our next question is from the line of Aniruddha Joshi. Please go ahead.

Aniruddha JoshiAnalyst

Yeah. Sir basically two questions. How do you see the poultry feed prices moving up, as well as the margins in case of poultry feed, some of the input prices like soya bean etc. have come corrected. So how do you see the profitability in that business?

Also regarding second question is, how do you see the geographical revenue mix for the Company. Can you indicate the state wise or the — at least the key region wise breakup for Venky’s listed entity. Yeah. Thanks.

J. K. HandaChief Financial Officer

Okay. So poultry feed prices are likely to be better from the poultry point of view. One of our major ingredient, which is soya has corrected a good proportion, as vitamins and mineral prices also have corrected, so except maize, which is a major raw material for that. Rest of the ingredients are going to be favorable for poultry. And therefore, we see a better TAM [Phonetic] in next two quarters..

Aniruddha JoshiAnalyst

Okay. Sure, sir. Thanks. And the second question?

J. K. HandaChief Financial Officer

And yeah, the second question, Venky’s is having the major operation in the Northern region and very less operations in the Western side. So we may not be having the state wise bifurcation of all the states. Like in Northern area, we are operating in 11 states, in the Western again, we are in the 3 states. So state wise bifurcation is not there. But you can take he zone wise, North zone like the — I mean demand or operation wise, it is very, I mean large, in case of North operations in all segment of broiler chicks. Layer chicks, broiler hatching eggs, commercial broiler bird, even the processed chicken also in the northern side, the business is very, I mean, large and quantity wise, it’s a lot for the Venky’s.

Aniruddha JoshiAnalyst

Okay. Sure, sir. Sir third question is now with that the market has completely in a way [Phonetic] recovered and out-of-home consumption has come back to a normal level, so do you see a stronger offtake for the products of Venky’s? And in a way how do you see the business moving up over a — from a three-year perspective.

J. K. HandaChief Financial Officer

See, in regard to the business in the coming, this quarter, which is going on as well as in the last quarter, we have good numbers in hand as far as our products are there, but the realization — realization isn’t greatly concerned with us in terms of broiler chicks, day old broiler chicks, in case day old layer chicks, commercial broiler bird, as well as the meat. So if the realizations are better or good than even the current period, we are going to bounce back greatly. But in case, the realizations are I mean not behaving, the way we are expecting, things will not be very good. But hopefully, since this is a consumption period and the demand may be pretty good, so we are hopeful to bounce back in all the segments, which are products lying [Phonetic] with us. Thank you.

Aniruddha JoshiAnalyst

Yeah. Thank you, sir. That is very helpful. Thank you.


Thank you. [Operator Instructions] We have the next question from the line of Pranjal Garg from ISEC. Please go ahead.

Pranjal GargISEC — Analyst

Than you, sir, for the opportunity, again. Sir I wanted to understand one thing that you have mentioned in your presentation, there is a non-volatile and volatile manufacturing activities. Can you help us understand the difference between the two?


Management team, are you still connected?

Rohan BhagwatCompany Secretary


J. K. HandaChief Financial Officer

Yeah. Yeah. We’re connected.


Okay. Thank you.

J. K. HandaChief Financial Officer

Yeah. Just a minute. Okay. As far as the volatile products are concerned, those are broiler chicks, layer chicks, commercial broiler bird, as well as our oil — oil see. And then the non-volatile business sectors are animal health products, specific pathogen free egg business. So those are non-volatile segments.

Pranjal GargISEC — Analyst

Okay. Thank you. Thank you, sir. And sir, what is the feed conversion ratio of the Company for the quarter and yeah?

Rohan BhagwatCompany Secretary

Sorry the feed conversion.

J. K. HandaChief Financial Officer

Sorry, can you please repeat your question.

Pranjal GargISEC — Analyst

Sir, feed conversion ratio of the company for the quarter?

J. K. HandaChief Financial Officer

Yeah. This is for — mainly for the commercial broiler bird business, which is called as a contract broiler coming business. The FCR is ranging from around 1.6 to 1.62 [Phonetic] in this quarter, which is July, August, September.

Pranjal GargISEC — Analyst

Okay. And sir, do you see any scope for improvement here?

J. K. HandaChief Financial Officer

Yes, yes. Absolutely, we are hopeful that it will be coming down to the level of 1.58 [Phonetic] also because as the body weight will be high, the FCR little got bad [Phonetic]. But right now, the body weight is also to the extent of 2.1 and 2.2 [Phonetic]. So we are hopeful to get FCR maybe 1.58 [Phonetic].

Pranjal GargISEC — Analyst

Okay. Thank you so much, sir. And sir, what are the capacity utilization levels at which the Company is operating right now?

J. K. HandaChief Financial Officer

Yes. The capacity utilization for the broiler new chicks segment, we have a total capacity of length [Phonetic] to the extent of 10.74 lakhs broiler parent birds, which in the first quarter it was operating at 71% level and in the quarter two, it is 72% capacity utilization levels. In case of broiler layer, day old chicks the capacity is with us is 5.53 lakhs layer parent birds and the capacity utilization in the first quarter, it was 67% and it has dropped down like anything in the quarter two, to the extent of 48%.

In regards to the specific pathogen free eggs, the capacity is 1,270 [Phonetic] lakh parent and the utilization in the first quarter is 59% and in the quarter two, it is 68%. In regard to the animal health products in the powder section, the capacity is 14.85 million metric tons, whereas the utilization is 90% in both the quarter, quarter one and quarter two. And in the liquid section, It is 2,700 metric ton is the capacity and utilization is 72% in both quarter one and quarter two.

In regard to the food processing business, the capacity is 3,240 metric ton and the capacity utilization in the first quarter is 22%, in the second quarter two, it is 45%..

In regard to the Oil Seed Segment, the [Indecipherable] capacity is 5,40,000 [Phonetic] metric tons. The utilization in the first quarter is 56% and the quarter two is 49%. And in the refined oil, it is 90,000 metric ton is the capacity and utilization in the quarter one is 67% and the quarter two is 53%. Thank you.

Pranjal GargISEC — Analyst

Really thankful for the detailed answer, sir. It means broadly we are at around 60%, 70% capacity utilization. So do you envisage any capex in the near term?

J. K. HandaChief Financial Officer

So as far as the capitalization is concerned, we are in the — I mean one project is going on at — for our animal health products, which is — the total project outlay is almost INR40 [Phonetic] crores. So out of that in this year, ’22-’23, we are hopeful to have the capital expenditure, which is leftover to the extent of INR15 [Phonetic] crores. And other than that the project is there with us, but it’s right now, it’s not confirmed that we may have any other project, which is in the Uttar Pradesh State of layer breeding farm and hatchery. The total project cost is INR40 crores, but right now it’s not to be taken up in this ’22-’23 as of date. But only the one project of AHP and the capitalization maybe to the extent of INR15 crores, which is out of our own generations only.

Pranjal GargISEC — Analyst

Okay, sir. Sir that’s very helpful. Thank you so much, sir.


Thank you. [Operator Instructions] The next question is from the line of Anurag Patil from Roha Asset Managers. Please go ahead.

Anurag PatilRoha Asset Managers — Analyst

Thank you for the opportunity. Sir, can you provide the volume numbers for commercial broiler live birds for Q1 and Q2?

J. K. HandaChief Financial Officer

Okay. In regard to the volume of commercial broiler birds, we have sold in first nine months to the extent of 3 crore, 91 lakhs kg [Phonetic] in this ’22-’23 against that and the corresponding September quarter, it was 3 crore, 94 lakh [Phonetic]. As far as the volume is concerned for the commercial broiler birds, it is almost same 3 crore 91 lakh kg [Phonetic] against the 3 crore 94 lakh kg [Phonetic] in the last quarter, last corresponding period.

Anurag PatilRoha Asset Managers — Analyst

Okay, sir. And sir in Oil segment, how do you see the profitability in the Q3 onwards?

J. K. HandaChief Financial Officer

We see a better profitability from Q3 from November onwards and things should be quite better compared to this abnormal this quarter because this quarter we had couple of challenges like energy prices crashing down and this will be corrected now and the crop is very good now. We see better coming months.

Anurag PatilRoha Asset Managers — Analyst

Okay, sir. That is from my side. Thank you very much.


Thank you. [Operator Instructions] We’ll take our next question from the line of Aniruddha Joshi. Please go ahead.

Aniruddha JoshiAnalyst

Yeah. Sir, some of the questions from the participants. One, what are the overall tax benefit that the Company has got? Secondly, what is the dividend policy that the Company is working on? And third, how you see the overall working capital situation changing [Technical Issues] interest rates, the cost of capital for the [Technical Issues].


I’m sorry to interrupt Mr. Joshi here. Maybe you are in a speaker mode, can you switch it to handset. We can’t hear you clearly.

Aniruddha JoshiAnalyst

Yeah. Is it okay now.


No, there is disturbance sir. Please switch to handset mode and speak.

Aniruddha JoshiAnalyst

Okay. Yeah, is it okay now?


Yes, better.

Aniruddha JoshiAnalyst

Yeah. So question is regarding the dividend policy of the Company. And second question is on the — with the increase in interest rates, the working capital for the supply chain, as well as the dealer distributor has increased. So how does the change in working capital for us what are the measures to control the working capital by the Company and how do you see the debt panning out at least the short-term debt panning out in next six months. Yeah and that’s it. Thanks.

J. K. HandaChief Financial Officer

Okay. [Technical Issues] in regard to the dividend policy as you know that Venky’s is engaged in livestock industry, which is facing frequent up and down due to various sectors like higher volatility in prices of food ingredients, mismatch in the demand and supply, regardless [Phonetic] of climatic conditions. Keeping these factors in mind and the requirements of funds to meet the expansion project, the Company has decided to have a payout ratio of up to 10% of profit after tax. However, if the business — overall business prospects improve, the Board will consider a gradual increase in the payout ratio. So this is in regard to the dividend policy.

In regard to the utilization of the working capital facilities due to this — and during this period and coming periods, as of date up till September ’22 we are having the average interest rate payout is almost 10% in quarter one, as well as in the quarter two. And the utilization of borrowings is to the extent of INR197 crores, which was little on the lower side in the first quarter and the second quarter, it is INR197 crores, which is a component of loans — loan per — long term loans, as well as the short-term borrowing working capital and short-term loans just to the extent of INR188.97 crores, INR189 crores.

So total exposure to the borrowing is to the extent of INR197 [Phonetic] crores in the next five months to six months. But this is got the, I mean utilization as of today, which are likely to be there because in the coming period, we are hopeful to get the — I mean, liquidity better because the number of volumes in all the segment shall improve. Thank you.

Aniruddha JoshiAnalyst

Yeah. Thank you, sir. That is very helpful. Thank you.


Thank you. [Operator Instructions] As there are no further questions from the participants, I would now like to hand the floor back to the management for closing comments.

Rohan BhagwatCompany Secretary

Thank you all for participating in our con call, and we hope we have answered all the questions. In case any questions are unanswered, please feel free to contact our Investor Services team, and thank you all once again and good afternoon. Thank you.

J. K. HandaChief Financial Officer

Thank you. Thank you very much.


[Operator Closing Remarks]

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