PB Fintech Q4FY23 Earnings Story

PB Fintech Q4FY23 Earnings Story

PB Fintech Ltd, popularly known as Policy Bazar is India’s largest online platform for insurance and lending products through its flagship brands – Policybazaar and Paisabazaar platform through which they provide convenient access to insurance, credit and other financial products

Financial Results:

  • PB Fintech Ltd. reported Total Income for Q4FY23 of ₹ 951 Crores up from ₹ 591 Crore year on year, a rise of 61%.

  • Total Expenses for Q4FY23 of ₹ 961 Crores up from ₹ 811 Crores year on year, rise of 18%.

  • Consolidated Net Loss of ₹ (9) Crores, up 64% from ₹ (220) Crores in the same quarter of the previous year.

  • The Earnings per Share is ₹ (0.20), up 61% from ₹ (4.99) in the same quarter of the previous year.
Tags: Insurance
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