Laxmi Organic Ind. Q4FY23 Earnings Story

Laxmi Organic Ind. Q4FY23 Earnings Story

Since its founding in 1989, Laxmi Organic Industries Limited has been engaged in the production of specialised chemicals. Ethyl acetate, acetic acid, and diketene derivative products (DDP) are the company’s main product lines. The firm has purchased the technology and operations of DDP, a speciality chemical division, from Clariant Chemicals India Limited.

Financial Results:

  • Laxmi Organic Industries Ltd. reported Total Income for Q4FY23 of ₹ 737 Crores up from ₹ 882 Crore year on year, a fall of 16%.

  • Total Expenses for Q4FY23 of ₹ 694 Crores down from ₹ 813 Crores year on year, fall of 15%.

  • Consolidated Net Profit of ₹ 24 Crores, down 51% from ₹ 70 Crores in the same quarter of the previous year.

  • The Earnings per Share is ₹ 0.92, down 66% from ₹ 2.65 in the same quarter of the previous year.
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