Justdial is the market leader in local search engine segment in India. The Company provides local search-related services to users across India in a platform-agnostic manner. The multi-platform offering includes App (Android, iOS), mobile website, desktop /PC, voice and text.
Financial Results:
Just Dial Ltd reported Revenues for Q3FY24 of ₹265.00 Crores up from ₹221.00 Crore year on year, a rise of 19.91%.
Total Expenses for Q3FY24 of ₹219.00 Crores up from ₹204.00 Crores year on year, a rise of 7.35%.
Consolidated Net Profit of ₹92.00 Crores up 22.67% from ₹75.00 Crores in the same quarter of the previous year.
The Earnings per Share is ₹10.82, up 21.16% from ₹8.93 in the same quarter of the previous year.

*It is important to note that the way the results have been accounted for are slightly different than the ones the companies may choose to publish.
*The presented data is automatically generated. It may occasionally generate incorrect information.