Part of the USD128 billion Tata group founded by Jamsetji Tata in 1868, Tata Motors is among the world’s leading manufacturers of automobiles. Tata believe in ‘Connecting aspirations’, by offering innovative mobility solutions that are in line with customers’ aspirations. Tata is India’s largest automobile manufacturer, and tata continue to take the lead in shaping the Indian commercial vehicle landscape, with the introduction of leading-edge powertrains and electric solutions packaged for power performances and user comfort at the lowest life-cycle costs. Tata’s new passenger cars and utility vehicles are based on Impact Design and offer a superior blend of performance, driveability and connectivity.

The company’s total revenue on a consolidated basis for the quater ended September 30, 2022 stood at Rs 80649.9 Crore, an increase of 29.56 % over the previous year. The company’s total operating expenses on a consolidated basis for the quater ended September 30, 2022 stood at Rs 74039.1 Crore, an increase of 29.29 % over the Previous Year.
Loss before tax is Rs 1461.2 Crore, an decrease of 57.90 % over the previous year. EPS on a consolidated basis for the quater ended September 30, 2022 stood at Rs -2.5 , an increase of 78.44 % over the Previous Year.