Established in Hyderabad, India in 1978, Gland Pharma has grown over the years from a contract manufacturer of small volume liquid parenteral products, to become one of the largest and fastest growing generic injectables manufacturing companies, with a global footprint across 60 countries, including the United States, Europe, Canada, Australia, India and other markets. Gland Pharma operate primarily under a business to business (B2B) model and have an excellent track record in the pharmaceutical research and development, manufacturing and marketing of complex injectables. This presence across the value chain has helped us witness exponential growth. Gland Pharma have a professional management team and one of our Promoters, Shanghai Fosun Pharma, is a global pharmaceutical major.

The company’s total revenue on a consolidated basis for the quater ended September 30, 2022 stood at Rs 1110.28 million, an increase of 19.27 % over the previous quater. The company’s total expenses on a consolidated basis for the quater ended September 30, 2022 stood at Rs 2412.42 million, an increase of 5.28 % over the previous quater. Profit before tax is Rs 3240.82 million, an increase of 5.05 % over the previous quater.