Infographic : Aptech Ltd (NSE : APTECHT) Q1 Results; Total Revenue = 57.94 Cr ( UP 120 % YoY)

Infographic : Aptech Ltd (NSE : APTECHT) Q1 Results; Total Revenue = 57.94 Cr ( UP 120 % YoY)

Aptech started its education and training business in 1986 and has trained millions of students worldwide. Aptech has a presence in more than 40 emerging countries through its two main lines of business – Individual Training and Enterprise Business. As a leader in career education, it has more than 1,000 training centres worldwide.

The company’s total revenue on a consolidated basis for the quater ended June 30, 2022 stood at Rs 5794.29 lakh, an increase of 120 % over the previous year. The company’s total expenses on a consolidated basis for the quater ended June 30, 2022 stood at Rs 5392.95 lakh. Profit before tax is 401.34 lakhs. Profit after tax for the period rose to 301.31 lakhs.

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