Indian Railway Finance Corp Q4 FY24 Earnings Conference Call Insights

Key highlights from Indian Railway Finance Corp (IRFC) Q4 FY24 Earnings Concall

  • Railways CapEx
    • Increasing focus on infrastructure, capacity enhancement, decongestion, passenger experience, safety.
    • Major part of planned CapEx directed towards implementation of economic corridors (energy, mineral, cement, port connectivity, high-density traffic).
    • About 40,000 km of new track likely to be laid over next 6-8 years.
    • Plans to convert rail bogies to Vande Bharat standards and deploy automated train safety technology.
  • IRFC Mandate
    • Sole market-borrowing arm of Indian Railways.
    • Consistently supporting Railways CAPEX funding for rolling stock and infrastructure projects.
    • Financing through lease model – low-risk, cost-plus with margins of 40 bps for rolling stock, 35 bps for projects.
    • Mandate also covers financing projects with backward/forward linkages to Railways.
  • Financial Performance
    • Total AUM of INR4.64 lakh crore as of 31st March 2024.
    • Revenue of INR26,644.58 crore, profit of INR6,412.10 crore for FY24.
    • Borrowings of INR4.12 lakh crore from various sources with strong ALM.
    • Low operating expenses at 0.09% of total income.
    • Strong return ratios – RoE 13.66%, RoA 1.31%, NIM 1.38%.
  • Future Growth Plans
    • Actively exploring funding opportunities in railway ecosystem.
    • Formulated board-approved credit policy to manage credit risk.
    • Setting up internal credit committees, onboarding agencies for appraisals.
    • Exploring funding for projects like rolling stock leasing, railway infrastructure, DFCs, logistics parks, renewable energy.
  • Growth Opportunities and Diversification Plans
    • Actively exploring opportunities in forward/backward linkages with Railways.
    • Opportunities in areas like rolling stock leasing, railway infrastructure, DFCs, logistics parks, renewable energy.
    • Using interim 2-year period to strengthen internal mechanisms for diversification.
    • In discussions with other companies for potential collaborations.
    • Building team and onboarding agencies for appraisals, due diligence.
  • Lending Spreads
    • Spreads over cost of funds have been stable at 40 bps for rolling stock, 35 bps for projects.
    • No requirement seen for changing spreads as risks like currency, interest rate passed through.
    • Spreads expected to continue at same levels going forward.
  • Earnings Outlook
    • No sharp jump, but no sharp decline expected in near-term earnings.
    • Exploring diversification opportunities to sustain growth trajectory.
    • Earnings in FY25-26 contingent on executing existing pipeline of lending.
  • Moratorium Period Impact
    • 5-year moratorium before Railways start paying back after disbursement.
    • Earnings impact of recent healthy lending yet to be realized due to moratorium.
    • Moratorium periods ending now, allowing these investments to start yielding returns.
  • AUM and NII Growth
    • AUM growth needed for meaningful NII uplift over current about INR6,400 cr levels.
    • Executing pending INR2 tn of project assets to increase AUM over next few years.
    • Capital recovery from executed leases to offset, NII accretion only from redeployed funds.
  • New Ventures
    • New ventures would be aligned to railway sector as per current mandate.
    • Can fund renewable projects but only those with backward/forward linkages to railways.
    • Not allowed to fund renewable projects without railway linkages as of now.
  • Expanding Charter/MoU
    • Possibility of pursuing expansion of charter/MoU with ministry.
    • To enable funding opportunities beyond just railway-linked projects.
    • However, even current mandate provides significant infrastructure opportunities.
  • Spread Expectations
    • Spreads for new non-railway ventures not governed by regulated framework.
    • Spreads to be based on project profile and industry standards.
    • Potential for higher spreads compared to capped railway funding spreads.
    • Too premature to provide any ballpark spread numbers currently.
  • FY25 Borrowing Plan
    • IRFC has taken board approval for borrowing INR50,000 crore in FY25.
    • Plan based on interim budget assessments.
    • Final budget yet to be approved, which could impact borrowing requirements.
  • Refinancing Opportunities
    • Part of the INR50,000 crore borrowing planned for refinancing.
    • Aimed at taking advantage of potential refinancing opportunities.
    • To optimize borrowing costs and liabilities management.
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