Indian Energy Exchange Ltd Q1 FY24; 7% rise in Profits

Indian Energy Exchange is a Power Exchange, licensed by the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) for spot trading in power / electricity and trading of Renewal Energy Certificate (REC) and Energy Saving Certificates (ESCerts). The main activity of the company is to provide an automated platform and infrastructure for carrying out trading in electricity units for physical delivery of electricity.(Source : 202003-01 Annual Report Page No:139)

Financial Results:

  • Indian Energy Exchange Ltd reported Revenues for Q1FY24 of ₹104.00 Crores up from ₹98.00 Crore year on year, a rise of 6.12%.
  • Total Expenses for Q1FY24 of ₹28.00 Crores up from ₹22.00 Crores year on year, a rise of 27.27%.
  • Consolidated Net Profit of ₹74.00 Crores up 7.25% from ₹69.00 Crores in the same quarter of the previous year.
  • The Earnings per Share is ₹0.83, up 9.21% from ₹0.76 in the same quarter of the previous year.

*It is important to note that the way the results have been accounted for are slightly different than the ones the companies may choose to publish.
*The presented data is automatically generated. It may occasionally generate incorrect information.

Tags: Energy
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