Honeywell Automation India Limited (HAIL)was started in the year 1987 as a JV between Tata and Honeywell. It was known as Tata Honeywell Limited each holding 39.54% stake. Later in 2004 Honeywell Asia Pacific Inc. bought Tata’s stake and the name was changed to Honeywell Automation India Limited.
Financial Results:
Honeywell Automation India Ltd reported Revenues for Q2FY25 of ₹1,188.00 Crores up from ₹947.00 Crore year on year, a rise of 25.45%.
Total Expenses for Q2FY25 of ₹1,025.00 Crores up from ₹885.00 Crores year on year, a rise of 15.82%.
Consolidated Net Profit of ₹121.00 Crores up 128.3% from ₹53.00 Crores in the same quarter of the previous year.
The Earnings per Share is ₹11.02, Sales 128.63% from ₹4.82 in the same quarter of the previous year.