Garden Reach Shipbuilders & Engineers Ltd Q2FY24; 37% rise in Profits

Garden Reach Shipbuilders & Engineers Ltd is a premier shipbuilding company in India under the administrative control of the Ministry of Defence, primarily catering to the shipbuilding requirements of the Indian Navy and the Indian Coast Guard. GRSE is a diversified, profit making and the first Shipyard in the country to export warships and deliver 100 warships to the Indian Navy and Indian Coast Guard.

Financial Results:

  • Garden Reach Shipbuilders & Engineers Ltd reported Revenues for Q2FY24 of ₹898.00 Crores up from ₹682.00 Crore year on year, a rise of 31.67%.
  • Total Expenses for Q2FY24 of ₹861.00 Crores up from ₹645.00 Crores year on year, a rise of 33.49%.
  • Consolidated Net Profit of ₹81.00 Crores up 37.29% from ₹59.00 Crores in the same quarter of the previous year.
  • The Earnings per Share is ₹7.05, up 37.43% from ₹5.13 in the same quarter of the previous year.
Tags: Shipbuilding
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