ICRA Limited is one of India’s leading credit rating agencies and a subsidiary of Moody’s Investors Service. Established in 1991, ICRA provides independent credit ratings, research, and risk assessment services to various entities in India. The company offers ratings for a wide range of financial instruments and obligations, including corporate bonds, bank loans, financial institutions, project finance, structured finance, and municipal bonds.
- ICRA Limited reported Total Income for Q4 FY23 of ₹124.98 Crore up from ₹104.30 Crore year on year, a growth of 19.8%.
- Total Expenses for Q4 FY23 of ₹74.11 Crore up from ₹57.76 Crore year on year, a growth of 28.3%.
- Consolidated Net Profit of ₹38.62 Crore, up 14.5% from ₹33.73 Crore in the same quarter of the previous year.
- The Earnings per Share is ₹39.89, up from ₹34.73 in the same quarter of the previous year.