Earnings Summary Of EPL Limited For Q3 FY23

Essel Propack Limited (NSE: EPL) is a global specialty packaging company that manufactures laminated and seamless plastic tubes for the oral care, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and food industries. The company operates in more than 35 countries and has a diverse customer base that includes multinational corporations and local brands. In terms of earnings, Revenue from Operations for Q3 FY23 was ₹944.9 crore, a 7% increase from ₹883.4 crore in the same period last year. The AMESA segment, generated a total of ₹352.1 Crore in Revenue which jumped by 9% from the previous year same quarter.

A total of ₹226.3 Crore were contributed by the EAP, a decline of 8% from the same quarter last year. The Consolidated Net Profit was ₹63 crore, up 7.7% from ₹58.5 crore in the same quarter last year. This quarter’s earnings per share was ₹1.98.

Categories: Earnings
Tags: Packaging
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